December 12 |
ITCSC talk
The trace reconstruction problemDr. Lee Chin Ho |
October 25 |
Theory talk
Optimal second-order methods are not ``optimal'' in terms of computationLIU Chengchang |
October 4 |
Theory talk
Information Theory and Optimization Challenges in Machine-Learning DecodersLAU Chin Wa, Ken |
September 27 |
Theory talk
Information-theoretical iterative optimization algorithmProf. Masahito Hayashi, CUHKSZ |
July 23 |
ITCSC-CSE-IE Joint Seminar
Graph sparsification by deterministic discrepancy walksProf. Lap Chi Lau, University of Waterloo |
Summer Research Program
July 2 - August 23 |
August 18, 2023 |
IE Seminar
Cheeger-Type Inequalities Using Reweighted EigenvaluesLap Chi Lau, University of Waterloo |
Summer Research Program
July 3 - August 25, 2023 | |
July 5 - August 27, 2021 | |
July 16 - September 4, 2020 |
Joint Seminars
December 24 |
ITCSC-CSE Joint Seminar
Max Cut is Approximated by Subexponential-Size Linear ProgramsLuca Trevisan, Bocconi University |
December 24 |
ITCSC-CSE Joint Seminar
Improved analysis of higher order random walks and applicationsLap Chi Lau, University of Waterloo |
September 11 |
ITCSC-CSE Joint Seminar
Scrumptious Sandwich Problems: A Tasty Retrospective for After LunchMartin Charles Golumbic, University of Haifa |
July 2 |
ITCSC-CSE Joint Seminar
CSPs and ExpansionMadhur Tulsiani,Toyota Technological Institute at Chicago |
January 10 |
ITCSC-CSE Joint Seminar
Adaptive Garbled Circuits with Near-Optimal Online ComplexityAkshayaram Srinivasan, UC Berkeley |
Summer Research Program
June 30 - 23 August |
Summer Research Program 2019
Summer Research Program Rundown 2019 |
Joint Seminars
December 12 |
IE-ITCSC Joint Seminar
Self-Programming Networks: Architecture and AlgorithmsProf. Balaji Prabhakar, Stanford University |
December 11 |
CSE-ITCSC Joint Seminar
Spectral analysis of matrix scaling and operator scalingProf. Lap Chi Lau, University of Waterloo |
December 11 |
CSE-ITCSC Joint Seminar
Graph sparsifiersProf. Luca Trevisan, U.C. Berkeley |
December 3 |
IE-ITCSC Joint Seminar
Cloud Radio Access Networks, Distributed Information Bottleneck, and more: A Unified Information Theoretic ViewProf. Shlomo Shamai , The Viterbi Faculty of Electrical Engineering Technion-Israel Institute of Technology |
October 24 |
CSE-ITCSC Joint Seminar
Settling the Sample Complexity of Single-parameter Revenue MaximizationDr. Zhiyi Huang , The University of Hong Kong |
June 19 |
CSE-ITCSC Joint Seminar
Sampling in High DimensionYinTat Lee , Paul G. Allen School of Computer Science and Engineering, University of Washington |
Jan 23 |
Faculty of Engineering Distinguished Lecture
Information and Entropy Flow in Stochastic ControlProf. Sanjoy Mitter , Massachusetts Institute of Technology |
Jan 19 |
CSE-ITCSC Joint Seminar
Optimality of the Johnson-Lindenstrauss lemmaProf Jelani Nelson, Harvard University |
Jan 12 |
CSE-ITCSC Joint Seminar
The Paulsen Problem, Continuous Operator Scaling, and Smoothed AnalysisDr. Tsz Chiu KWOK , Postdoc researcher, University of Waterloo |
Summer Research Program
July 7 - 24 August |
Summer Research Program
Summer Research Program Rundown |
Apr 12 |
A Workshop on Information Theory and Mathematics - co-organized by HK IT-chapter, INC, and ITCSC |
Jan 16-29 | ITCSC-INC Winter School 2017 |
Joint Seminars
December 4 |
CSE-ITCSC Joint Seminar
Equivocating Yao: Constant-Round Adaptively Secure Multiparty Computation in the Plain ModelOxana Poburinnaya , PhD student, Boston University |
October 31 |
IE-ITCSC Joint Seminar
An Information Theoretic Perspective of Fronthaul Constrained Cloud and Fog Radio Access NetworksProf. Shlomo Shamai Shitz, Technion − Israel Institute of Technology |
October 09 |
CSE-ITCSC Joint Seminar
Promise Constraint SatisfactionProf. Venkatesan Guruswami, Carnegie Mellon University |
May 04 |
CSE-ITCSC Joint Seminar
The Electric Vehicle Touring ProblemProf. Chung-Shou Liao, National Tsing Hua University |
Dec 20 | Hong Kong TheoryFest 2016 |
Aug 22-26 | China Theory Week 2016 |
Jan 25-29 | ITCSC-INC Winter School 2016 |
Joint Seminars
Dec 20 |
CSE-ITCSC Joint Seminar
Computational Medicine and Health CareProf. Danny Chen, University of Notre Dame |
Oct 27 |
ITCSC Joint Seminar
The Hardness of Minimum Fill-In: A Dark Secret of the Old Chinese ArtDr. Yixin Cao, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University |
May 26 |
CSE-ITCSC Joint Seminar
Differentially Private Release and Learning of Threshold FunctionsMr. Mark Bun, Harvard University |
Apr 21 |
CSE-ITCSC Joint Seminar
The Border between Possible and Impossible in Data PrivacyProf. Salil Vadhan, Harvard University and National Chiao-Tung University |
Apr 18 |
CSE-ITCSC Joint Seminar
Randomness Extraction from Generalized Santha-Vazirani SourcesDr. Omid Etesami, Institute for Research in Fundamental Sciences (IPM) |
Jan 21 |
CSE-ITCSC Joint Seminar
The Power of Adaptivity in Data AnalysisMr. Thomas Steinke, Harvard University |
Jan 26-30 | ITCSC-INC Winter School 2015 |
Jan 9 | Hong Kong Theory Day 2015 |
CSE Seminars
Dec 22 |
CSE Seminar
Correlation Bounds Against Monotone NC^1Prof. Benjamin Rossman, National Institute of Informatics |
Dec 22 |
CSE Seminar
Lower Bounds for Bounded-Depth FormulasProf. Benjamin Rossman, National Institute of Informatics |
Joint Seminars
Dec 7 |
CSE-ITCSC Joint Seminar
Efficient Pseudorandom Functions via On-the-Fly AdaptationProf. Dominique Schröder, Saarland University |
Oct 19 |
CSE-ITCSC Joint Seminar
Old and New PCP Constructions: Towards the Sliding Scale ConjectureProf. Prahladh Harsha, Tata Institute of Fundamental Research |
Sep 23 |
CSE-ITCSC Joint Seminar
Compressing Communication in Distributed ProtocolsMr. Ilan Komargodski, Weizmann Institute |
Jun 15 |
ITCSC-INC Joint Seminar
Communication Amid UncertaintyDr. Madhu Sudan, Microsoft Research New England |
Apr 8 |
CSE-ITCSC Joint Seminar
Reed-Muller Codes for Random Errors and ErasuresProf. Amir Shpilka, Tel-Aviv University |
Jan 20-23 | ITCSC-INC Winter School 2014 |
Joint Seminars
Dec 1 |
CSE-ITCSC Joint Seminar
Random Oracles in the Real World through the Eyes of ObfuscationMr. Arno Mittelbach, TU Darmstadt |
Nov 17 |
CSE-ITCSC Joint Seminar
An Algebraic Approach to Non-MalleabilityDr. Silas Richelson, University of California, Los Angeles |
Oct 21 |
CSE-ITCSC Joint Seminar
Majority is incompressible by AC^0[p] circuitsMr. Igor Oliveira, Columbia University |
Aug 7 |
CSE-ITCSC Joint Seminar
An Algebraic Approach to Non-MalleabilityProf. Alon Rosen, Herzliya Interdisciplinary Center |
Aug 7 |
CSE-ITCSC Joint Seminar
Physical Randomness Extractors: Generating Random Numbers with Minimal AssumptionsDr. Kai-Min Chung, Academia Sinica |
Jun 20 |
CSE-ITCSC Joint Seminar
Authentication in Constrained SettingsProf. Katerina Mitrokotsa, Chalmers University of Technology |
Jan 6 |
CSE-ITCSC Joint Seminar
Space-Bounded Communication ComplexityMr. Song Hao, Tsinghua University |
July 8-9 | Workshop on Theoretical Aspects of Big Data |
Jan 14-17 | ITCSC-INC Winter School 2013 [photos] |
Joint Seminars
Jan 4 |
CSE-ITCSC-INC Joint Seminar
A New Regularity Lemma and Faster Approximation Algorithms for Low Threshold Rank GraphsProf. Luca Trevisan, Stanford University |
ITCSC Seminars
Feb 21 |
Cryptography with Streaming Devices Prof. Periklis Papakonstantinou, IIIS/ITCS Tsinghua University |
Jul 25-27 | Network Science Workshop |
Jul 23-24 | Machine Learning Workshop |
Jul 18-20 | Tsinghua-MIT-CUHK Research Center Workshop on Theoretical Computer Science |
Jun 18-22 | Quantum Information Workshop |
Jan 15-19 | ITCSC-INC Winter School 2012 [photos] |
ITCSC Colloquium
Jan 4 |
Global Solutions with Local Information: Optimizing Large-Scale Networks Based on Local Information Prof. Thomas Moscibroda, Lead Researcher, Microsoft Research Asia, Microsoft Corporation |
Jan 4 |
Stability vs. Cost of Matchings Prof. Roger Wattenhofer, ETH Zurich, Switzerland |
Joint Seminars
Dec 14 |
Engineering Faculty Distinguished Lecture
The Science of Information: From Communications to DNA SequencingProf. David Tse, University of California at Berkeley |
Jun 6 |
ITCSC-INC Joint Seminar
New results on interference channels with three user pairsDr. Bernd Bandemer, Postdoctoral researcher, University of California, San Diego |
Apr 12 |
CSE-ITCSC-INC Joint Seminar
Graph Connectivity, Network Coding, Expander Graph, and Matrix RankProf. Lap Chi Lau, Assistant Professor, CSE Department, CUHK |
ITCSC Seminars
Aug 9 |
Can we teleport a quantum clock? Fundamental limits to the use of entanglement to simulate quantum communication Prof. Giulio Chiribella, Associate Professor, IIIS, Tsinghua University |
Aug 2 |
Entanglement in Physical States Dr. Alioscia Hamma, Distinguished Research Fellow, Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics, Canada |
Apr 26 |
The Exponential Mechanism for Social Welfare: Private, Truthful, and Nearly Optimal Mr. Zhiyi Huang, PhD Student, CIS Department, University of Pennsylvania |
Jan 18 |
Extreme-value Theorems for Optimal Multidimensional Pricing Mr. Yang Cai, PhD Student, CSAIL, MIT |
Jan 17-21 | ITCSC-INC Winter School 2011 [photos] |
Joint Colloquium
Nov 8 |
CSE-ITCSC Joint Colloquium
Circuit Complexity meets the Theory of RandomnessProf. Eric Allender, Professor, Rutgers University |
Joint Seminars
Sep 15 |
IE-ITCSC Joint Seminar
Binary Independent Component Analysis and Its ApplicationsProf. Rong Zheng, Assocaite Professor, Department of Computer Science, University of Houston |
Sep 8 |
CSE-ITCSC Joint Seminar
Mansour's Conjecture for Random DNF formulasProf. Andrew Wan, Assistant Professor, ITCS, Tsinghua University |
CSE-ITCSC Joint Seminar
New questions in pseudo-randomness for answering old problemsDr. Periklis Papakonstantinou, Assistant Professors, ITCS, Tsinghua University |
Sep 1 |
CSE-ITCSC Joint Seminar
Property Testing Lower Bounds via Communication ComplexityDr. Kevin Matulef, Postdoctoral Researcher, ITCS, Tsinghua University |
Aug 30 |
IE-ITCSC Joint Seminar
Economics of Cooperative Spectrum Sharing: Bargaining, Contract, and AuctionProf. Jianwei Huang, Assistant Professor, Department of Information Engineering, CUHK |
Aug 22 |
INC-ITCSC Joint Seminar
Coding for Online (Causal) AdversariesProf. Michael Langberg, Open University of Israel |
Jul 14 |
IE-ITCSC Joint Seminar
Scaling laws- how useful are they at predicting network performance?Prof. Ravi R. Mazumdar, Professor and University Research Chair, University of Waterloo, Canada |
Jan 14 |
IE-ITCSC Joint Seminar
Smart Grid Communications and Networking: An OverviewProf. Dusit Niyato, Assistant Professor, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore |
ITCSC Seminars
May 3 |
Towards the capacity region of two receiver broadcast channels Prof. Chandra Nair, Department of Information Engineering, CUHK |
Jan 14 |
Sparse Johnson-Lindenstrauss Transforms Dr. Jelani Nelson, MIT CSAIL |
Aug 9-11 | Mini-workshop on the Theory of Computing |
Mar 23-Apr 14 | Elliptic Curve Cryptography |
Mar 8-9 | The Broadcast Channel Summit |
Jan 24-30 | ITCSC-INC Winter School 2010 [photos] |
Jan 4 | Crypto Day |
Feb 22 |
Two "Simple" Problems That Imply Strong Circuit Lower Bounds Prof. Ran Raz, Professor of Mathematics and Computer Science, The Weizmann Institute of Science. |
Strong Parallel Repetition Theorem for Free Projection Games Ms. Ricky Rosen, PhD student, Tel-Aviv University |
Joint Seminars
Apr 30 |
IE-ITCSC Joint Seminar
Synthesizing Distributed Algorithms for Combinatorial Network OptimizationProf. Minghua Chen, Assistant Professor, Department of Information Engineering, CUHK |
Jan 14 |
IE-ITCSC Joint Seminar
Generating Secret in a NetworkDr.Chung Chan, Ph.D. student, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA |
Jan 12 |
IE-ITCSC Joint Seminar
Cooperative Interference Management in Multi-Cell Downlink BeamformingProf. Shuguang Cui, Assistant Professor, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Texas A&M University |
Jan 6 |
IE-ITCSC Joint Seminar
Location-Aware Wireless NetworksProf. Moe Win, Associate Professor, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA, USA |
ITCSC Seminars
Nov 17 |
Feedback-driven Opportunistic Access Strategies in Cognitive Radio Networks Prof. Xin Liu, Associate Professor, Department of Computer Science, University of California at Davis |
Jul 28 |
Cryptographic Elections - Challenges and Opportunities Dr. Alon Rosen, School of Computer Science, The Herzliya Interdisciplinary Center |
Mar 15 |
Dynamic Indexability and the Optimality of B-trees and Hash Tables Prof. Ke Yi, Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, HKUST |
Jan 11 |
Efficient Indexes of Document Retrieval Problems Prof. Wing-Kai Hon, Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Science, National Tsing Hua University, Taiwan |
Jan 15-21 | ITCSC-INC Winter School 2009 [photos] |
Dec 21 |
Bipartite Ratio And Bipartite Density Of Triangle Free Subcubic Graphs Prof. Zhu Xuding, Department of Applied Mathematics, National Sun-Yat-sen University, Taiwan |
Aug 5 |
Algorithms for Data Management Prof. Samir Khuller, Computer Science Department, University of Maryland |
Apr 29 |
Data Reduction and FPT Kernelization: Practical Algorithms and Lower Bounds Prof. Michael Fellows, Professor of Computer Science, University of Newcastle, Australia |
Apr 27 |
The Multivariate Approach to Algorithms and Complexity Prof. Michael Fellows, Professor of Computer Science, University of Newcastle, Australia |
Theory Seminar Series
Aug 18 |
On Broadcast Scheduling Prof. Samir Khuller, Computer Science Department, University of Maryland |
Jul 21 |
Sorting on Complete Bipartite Graphs Prof. Xiaoming Sun, Associate Professor, Tsinghua University, BeijingProf. Andrew Yao, Director of ITCSC, CUHK |
Jul 14 |
Codes against Online Adversaries Prof. Sidharth Jaggi, Assistant Professor, Department of Information Engineering, CUHK |
Jul 7 |
Mathematical Modeling of Incentive Policies in P2P Networks Prof. John Lui, Chairman / Professor, Department of Computer Science & Engineering, CUHK |
Jun 30 |
Lower Bounds of Communication Complexity by Information Complexity Prof. Shengyu Zhang, Assistnat Professor, Department of Computer Science & Engineering, CUHK |
Joint Seminars
Dec 14 |
A Semidefinite Programming Approach to the Graph Realization Problem Prof. Jean Walrand, Professor, EECS, University of California, Berkeley, USA |
Apr 16 |
Network Coding - A Paradigm Shift in Data Transport Prof. Shuo-Yen Robert Li, Professor of Information Engineering, CUHK |
Research on Network Virtualization Prof. Akihiro Nakao, Associate Professor, University of Tokyo |
ITCSC Seminars
Nov 19 |
Combinatorial Constructions of One-way Functions and Their Security Prof. Andrej Bogdanov, Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Science & Engineering, CUHK |
Nov 9 |
Universal Rigidity and Edge Sparsification for Sensor Network Localization Prof. Anthony So, Assistant Professor, Department of Systems Engineering & Engineering Management, CUHK |
Oct 28 |
On Marton's achievable region and proof of an information inequality using a Caratheodory type argument Prof. Chandra Nair, Assistant Professor, Department of Information Engineering, CUHK |
Oct 19 |
On The Power of A Unique Quantum Witness Prof. Shengyu Zhang, Assistnat Professor, Department of Computer Science & Engineering, CUHK |
Sep 15 |
Capacity of Large-scale CSMA Wireless Networks Dr. Sid Chi-kin Chau, Croucher Foundation Research Fellow, Electrical and Electronic Department, University College London |
Sep 11 |
Least Privilege Concept in Workflow Model Prof. Patrick C. K. Hung, University of Ontario Institute of Technology (UOIT), Canada |
Sep 3 |
Facets of Entropy Prof. Raymond W. H. Yeung, Professor of Information Engineering, CUHK |
Aug 31 |
An Axiomatic Theory of Fairness Prof. Mung Chiang, Electrical Engineering Department, Princeton University |
Aug 12 |
An Evidence Based Learning Approach To Development And Evaluation Of An Interprofessional Education Core Competency Framework Prof. Jayshiro Tashiro, Professor, Health Education Technology Research Unit University of Ontario Institute of Technology |
Jul 29 |
Perfect Matchings in O(n^{1.5}) Time in Regular Bipartite Graphs Prof. Sanjeev Khanna, Professor of Computer and Information Science, University of Pennsylvania |
Jul 15 |
An Approximation Approach to Network Information Theory Prof. David Tse, Professor, Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences, University of California, Berkeley |
Jul 6 |
Fairness with an Honest Minority and a Rational Majority Dr. Alon Rosen, School of Computer Science, The Herzliya Interdisciplinary Center |
Jun 24 |
Two-message quantum interactive proofs are in PSPACE Prof. Rahul Jian, Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Science, National University of Singapore |
Jun 22 |
Facets of Entropy Prof. Raymond W. H. Yeung, Professor of Information Engineering, CUHK |
Jun 10 |
Redundancy-Related Bounds on Generalized Huffman Codes Dr. Michael Baer, Member of Technical Staff at VMware, Inc. |
May 13 |
Scalable Nonblocking Switches and Geometric Intuition Prof. Shuo-Yen Robert Li, Professor of Information Engineering, CUHK |
May 11 |
Unified Algebraic Theory for Sorting, Routing, Multicasting, & Concentration Networks Prof. Shuo-Yen Robert Li, Professor of Information Engineering, CUHK |
May 7 |
A Tool Oriented Approach to Network Capacity Prof. Michelle Effros, Professor of Electrical Engineering, California Institute of Technology |
Apr 9 |
Lower Bounds in Communication Complexity Prof. Shengyu Zhang, Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Science & Engineering, CUHK |
Apr 6 |
Complexity-based Cryptography: A match that was once made in heaven Prof. Andrej Bogdanov, Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Science & Engineering, CUHK |
Mar 9 |
Channel Codes Against Causal Adversaries Prof. Sidharth Jaggi, Assistant Professor, Department of Information Engineering, CUHK |
Mar 2 |
Probabilistic Analysis of Semidefinite Programming Relaxations, with Application to Detection for Multiple-Input Multiple-Output Systems Prof. Anthony So, Assistant Professor, Department of Systems Engineering & Engineering Management, CUHK |
Feb 16 |
Rank Aggregation: Together We're Strongs Dr. Frans Schalekamp, Postdoctoral Researcher, Institute for Theoretical Computer Science, Tsinghua University |
Feb 12 |
Deterministic Sampling Algorithms for Network Design Dr. Anke van Zuylen, Postdoctoral Researcher, Institute for Theoretical Computer Science, Tsinghua University |
Feb 9 |
Back-of-the-Envelope Computation of Throughput Distributions in CSMA Wireless Networks Prof. Liew Soung Chang, Chairman and Professor, Department of Information Engineering, CUHK |
Feb 2 |
Three Results on the Discrete Memoryless Broadcast Channel Prof. Chandra Nair, Assistant Professor, Department of Information Engineering, CUHK |
May 23 | CUHK-Tsinghua Student Workshop on Theoretical Computer Science |
Feb 1 |
Theory Afternoon
Random walk on graphs and its algorithmic applicationsDr. Shengyu Zhang, Postdoctoral Researcher Computer Science Department and Institute for Quantum Computing, California Institute of Technology On Recent Developments in Learning with Agnostic Noise Dr. Elad Verbin, Postdoctoral, Institute of Theoretical Computer Science, Tsinghua University |
Jan 21-26 | ITCSC-INC Winter School 2008 [photos] |
Jan 15 |
Theory Afternoon
Sublinear Time AlgorithmsProf. Luca Trevisan , Professor, University of Califronia, Berkeley Average-case hardness for errorless heuristics Dr. Andrej Bogdanov, Tsinghua University |
Dec 29 |
Graphs and Polymorphisms Prof. Pavol Hell, Professor, School of Computing Science, Simon Fraser University, Canada |
Nov 18 |
Some Computer Science Techniques in Bioinformatics Prof. Wen-Lian Hsu, Distinguished Research Fellow, Institute of Information Science, Academia Sinica, Taiwan |
Nov 14 |
The Internet is Flat: a Brief History of Networking in the Next Ten Years Prof. Don Towsley, Professor, Department of Computer Science, University of Massachusetts |
Nov 11 |
Modeling Disruption Tolerant Networks: Fluid Models and Mobility Models Prof. Don Towsley, Professor, Department of Computer Science, University of Massachusetts |
Invited Seminars
Dec 18 |
Multipartite Quantum Entanglement and Tensor Rank Prof. Yaoyun Shi, Associate Professor, Electrical Engineering and Computer Science University of Michigan, Ann Arbor |
Dec 15 |
Computing Equilibria in Large Games Dr. Constantinos Daskalakis, Postdoctoral Researcher, Microsoft Research-New England |
Nov 26 |
Making Dense Networks Smarter with Randomized Network Coding and Distributed Signal Processing Prof. Kannan Ramchandra, Professor, Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Univesity of California, Berkeley |
Oct 3 |
Approximation Algorithms on Metric Spaces and Graphs Dr. Hubert Chan, Postdoctoral Researcher, Max Planck Institute for Informatics in Germany |
Sep 8 |
Streaming Capacity of P2P Dr. Shao Liu, Postdoctoral Researcher, Department of Electrical Engineering, Princeton University |
Sep 3 |
Design and Analysis of TCP for the Next Decade Internet Dr. Shao Liu, Postdoctoral Researcher, Department of Electrical Engineering, Princeton University |
Jun 6 |
Optimisation on Manifolds Prof. Jonathan Manton, Executive Director, Australian Research Council |
Jun 2 |
Computation: How does Nature compute and how should we? Prof. Jonathan Manton, Executive Director, Australian Research Council |
May 30 |
The Connectivity of Finite Random Geometric Graphs Dr. Chi-kin Chau, Croucher Foundation Research Fellow, University College London |
May 27 |
Power-Aware High-Performance Computing: The Dawn of the Green Computing Era Prof. Ishfaq Ahmad, Professor, Computer Science and Engineering Department, University of Texas at Arlington |
Apr 28 |
Making Classical Zero Knowledge Protocols Secure Against Quantum Attacks(Part II) Dr. Pranab Sen, Reader, School of Technology and Computer Science, Tata Institute of Fundamental Research |
Apr 23 |
Making Classical Zero Knowledge Protocols Secure Against Quantum Attacks(Part I) Dr. Pranab Sen, Reader, School of Technology and Computer Science, Tata Institute of Fundamental Research |
Apr 21 |
Content Pipe Divide and Network Distribution Capacity Prof. Mung Chiang, Assistant Professor, Princeton University |
Apr 3 |
Routing in large networks despite Byzantine failures Dr. Radia Perlman, Sun Fellow, Sun Microsystems Inc. |
Apr 1 |
Data: Making it be there when you want it and go away when you want it gone Dr. Radia Perlman, Sun Fellow, Sun Microsystems Inc. |
Weekly Seminars
Oct 30 |
Utility-Optimal Random Access without Message Passing Prof. Jianwei Huang, Assistant Professor, Department of Information Engineering, CUHK |
Oct 23 |
Blind Maximum-Likelihood Detection of Orthogonal Space-Time Block Codes: High-Performance Efficient Implementations, Identifiability, and Code Constructions Prof. Ken Ma, Assistant Professor, Department of Electronic Engineering , CUHK |
Oct 2 |
Reliable Communication in the Absence of a Common Clock Prof. Raymond Yeung, Professor of Information Engineering , CUHK |
Sep 29 |
Martingales of Patterns Prof. Shuo-Yen Robert Li, Professor, Department of Information Engineering , CUHK |
Sep 25 |
Khintchine-Type Inequalities and Their Applications in Optimization Prof. Anthony So, Assistant Professor, Department of Systems Engineering & Engineering Management, CUHK |
Sep 8 |
Iterative Relaxation Prof. Lap-Chi Lau, Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Science & Engineering, CUHK |
Apr 14 |
Multiple-Input-Multiple-Output Detection using Semidefinite Relaxation Prof. Ken Ma, Assistant Professor, Department of Electronic Engineering , CUHK |
Apr 7 |
A Simple Model for P2P Streaming Prof. Dah-ming Chiu, Professor, Department of Information Engineering , CUHK |
Mar 17 |
Optimal power control in wireless ad hoc networks by linear multiplicative fractional programming Prof. Angela Zhang, Assistant Professor, Department of Information Engineering, CUHK |
Mar 10 |
Approximating graph orientations with high rooted-connectivity Prof. Lap-Chi Lau, Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Science & Engineering, CUHK |
Mar 3 |
Approximation Algorithms for Nonconvex Quadratic Optimization Prof. Shuzhong Zhang, Professor, Department of Systems Engineering & Engineering Management, CUHK |
Feb 18 |
Utility Maximization in Peer-to-peer Systems Prof. Minghua Chen, Assistant Professor, Department of Information Engineering, CUHK |
Feb 4 |
Designing Faster Algorithms by Random Separation Prof. Leizhen Cai, Professor, Department of Computer Science & Engineering, CUHK |
Jan 28 |
Power Control in Multi-carrier Communication Systems Prof. Jianwei Huang, Assistant Professor, Department of Information Engineering, CUHK |
Jan 14 |
On Broadcast Channels With 3 Or More Receivers Prof. Chandra Nair, Assistant Professor, Department of Information Engineering, CUHK |
Invited Seminars
Nov 28 |
A deterministic subexponential algorithm for solving parity games Prof. Uri Zwick, Professor, Department of Computer Science, Tel Aviv University |
Overhang Prof. Uri Zwick, Professor, Department of Computer Science, Tel Aviv University |
Nov 21 |
Interplays of Computer Science and Economics Prof. Xiaotie Deng, Chair Professor, Department of Computer Science, City University of Hong Kong |
Weekly Seminars
Dec 5 |
"Real" and "Complex" network codes Prof. Sidharth Jaggi, Assistant Professor, Department of Information Engineering, CUHK |
Nov 28 |
A Semidefinite Programming Approach to the Graph Realization Problem Prof. Anthony So, Assistant Professor, Department of Systems Engineering & Engineering Management, CUHK |
Nov 14 |
Network Coding and Its Ramifications Prof. Raymond Yeung, Professor, Department of Information Engineering, CUHK |
Nov 7 |
Steiner tree packing Prof. Lap-Chi Lau, Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Science & Engineering, CUHK |