Jianwei Huang, CUHK, Hong Kong

Title: Graphical Congestion Games with Applications in Spectrum Sharing

The classical congestion game (introduced by Rosenthal in 1973) nicely captures the interactions between selfish players who compete to share limited resources, and has found many applications in economics, communications, networking, ecology, and sociology. However, such model does not capture the spatial relationships between players, which are critical for many applications in economics, engineering, and ecology. This motivates the study of graphical congestion game (first proposed by Bilo et al. in 2008), which models the spatial relationships by a graph. In this talk, we will discuss several recent results on graphical congestion games, focusing on those with player-specific and resource-specific payoff functions on weighted directed graphs. We will also discuss how these models can help us to understand dynamic spectrum sharing in distributed wireless networks. This talk is based on collaborations with Xu Chen and Richard Southwell from the Chinese University of Hong Kong, Mingyan Liu and Cem Tekin from University of Michigan, and Biying Shou from City University of Hong Kong.